
Category: Homeowner Tips

How Your Furnace Humidifier Actually Works

How Your Furnace Humidifier Actually Works

You might be thinking that a furnace humidifier isn’t something you really need during the long cold months. What you don’t know is that the warm and dry air that your furnace produces can cause negative effects on your health and comfort. Knowing how your furnace humidifiers work will tell

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Control Your Heating Bill With These Smart Tips

Control Your Heating Bill With These Smart Tips

Everyone wants to save on their heating costs this winter.  Fortunately, there are helpful ways you can do to make your units more efficient, your home more impenetrable, and your heating expense more manageable. Whether you’re in for some small changes or you want to try the big ones, you

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HVAC Safety: Carbon Monoxide

HVAC Safety: Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless and colorless gas which is poisonous when ingested at high concentration. This is often released by large appliances which include your furnace. Once the heating season sets in, Spencer Air Conditioning and Heating expects that carbon monoxide will again bring chaos to some households

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A Guide To Proper Heat Pump Operation And Maintenance

A Guide To Proper Heat Pump Operation And Maintenance

When it comes to home comfort, heat pumps are probably the busiest unit in the house. This should be a good reason for homeowners to learn how to properly manage the operation. Spencer Air Conditioning and Heating prepared some tips to guide you in running your heat pump. Keep Air

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Should You Close Your Air Vents To Save Money?

Should You Close Your Air Vents To Save Money?

Most homeowners have a bad habit of closing their vents whenever their room is not in use.  Little did they know that closing vents can actually place a high level of strain on their air conditioners and reduce their efficiency. What happens when you close your vents? If you are

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6 Telltale Signs Your AC Is Overworked

6 Telltale Signs Your Ac Is Overworked

No one wants to be roasted during the hot summer days. Take note of these signs to check if your air conditioning system is overworked. Today’s the time to make sure that your AC won’t leave you behind the summer heat.         1.  Your AC produces strange

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How Long Should an Air Conditioner Last?

How Long Should An Air Conditioner Last

Air conditioners are the unsung heroes during the long hot summer months. As a homeowner, nothing is even better than an efficient AC unit installed in our home. But here’s the bad news- although high quality ACs are efficient, they are not designed to last forever. So how long your

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6 Common Concerns With Commercial HVAC Systems

6 Common Concerns With Commercial HVAC Systems

It’s so frustrating when your commercial HVAC system doesn’t give you the comfort you and your building‘s occupants need. Whether it’s on a cool winter breeze or scorching summer heat, your HVAC systems should not let you down. However, you cannot get the right level of comfort you need if

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THE ERL Guideline In Hiring Your HVAC Contractor

THE ERL Guideline In Hiring Your HVAC Contractor

Your heating and cooling system is one of the most complex systems at home, and DIY HVAC fixes performed inaccurately does more harm than good. Not even to the handy men which we think are good enough to make the work done at low costs. In these cases, handy men

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7 Trustworthy Tips for Hiring a Local HVAC Company

6 Trustworthy Tips for Hiring a Local HVAC Company

Having a broken central air conditioner in the middle of a hot summer day can cause you a bad day, not to mention the potential health risks it may pose to you and your loved ones. However, it doesn’t mean that you rush to hire the first local HVAC company

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