
How to Prepare for a New A/C Install

You’ve gone back and forth and decided it is finally time to upgrade your existing air conditioning system to a more energy efficient system. Not only will you be decreasing your energy bills, but you will be increasing your family’s comfort. Before your install, there are a few simple things you can do to prepare your home for the installation process. 1. Your technician should have conducted a heating and cooling load calculation. This considers factors such as the home’s structure, roof, windows, direction and location to determine the precise equipment needed for your home. Ask to see a copy of the load calculation and have it explained to you to insure that you are working with a professional that will get your home the best results. 2. Make sure the technician cleans your ductwork. Your new system will work more efficiently and have you breathing cleaner air if the dust and dirt from your old ducts are properly cleaned. The ducts need to be properly sealed as well. Scheduling this appointment before your install can ensure that your ducts are ready to work in conjunction with the new system. 3. Clear the area around where the new equipment is to be installed to ensure that the technician has easy access. Make sure the yard has been cleared of piles or large sticks. Clear away children’s toys, yard supplies, hoses or yard furniture that may impede the process. Make sure your pets are inside the home or penned so they will not get loose during the installation process. Lastly, if you have your sprinkler system set to an automatic timer, make sure that the sprinklers are not set to turn on during the install process. These simple steps can make your install runs smoothly. If you are looking for a reliable, honest company, call us at (972) 446-COOL (2665) to find out more and see for yourself how this is the smartest call you could make today. You can also find us online at We have been serving your neighbors in the Metroplex since 1960 and would love to serve your family. Our longevity speaks for our quality.