
When is it Time to Consider a New A/C Unit?

If your system is lagging and you’ve tossed around the idea of getting a new system, we have a checklist of questions for you to consider before making your decision. Not cooling well
  1. Higher energy bills: if your bills are higher than your neighbors or higher than in recent years, that’s an indication that your system is having to work too hard in the hot Texas heat.
  2. Noises: if your system is making unusual noises, there might be a problem. Higher pitched noises could be one of the motors going out or a rattling noise could be a part that has come loose. Having an expert out to inspect your system can help you determine if you need to repair or replace your unit.
  3. Running Frequently: if your system is running with only short pauses, it is not supplying the cool air your home needs. It could be a nothing more than needing an annual check-up, but it could also be that your system is having to work too hard to keep your home cool.
  4. Lots of Repairs: if you have had to make several calls for repairs, the repair totals could be exceeding the cost of purchasing a new system. Consider the long-term investment of a new system verses the short term gain for a repair.
  5. Low air flow: If the air is blowing cool, but there does not seem to be as much air coming out, it could be a sign of a larger problem. Often units begin blowing less first before completely shutting down.
  6. Older system: If your air conditioning unit is over 10 years old, it has served you well for a long time and may be getting weaker due to age.
If you’re curious about if your unit can be repaired or might be more cost-effective to replace, give us a call today to talk at (972) 465-COOL (4665) or reach us online at We’ll guide you through the pros and cons and be here for you when you decide to move forward. We have been serving your neighbors since 1960 and we are here to serve you. Our longevity speaks for our quality.