December is a time when friends and family gather to exchange gifts, share good meals and enjoy the holidays. It’s a time to share old memories—and create new ones. The following home owner tips will provide ideas to keep you from re-enacting the father’s furnace scene in the classic holiday movie A Christmas Story. No one wants to remember December as the time Dad went to the basement to deal with an irritable furnace as a stream of four-letter words can be heard from the bowels of the basement.
Safety is Key
One of the most important home owner tips is to make sure your heating and air conditioning system is functioning safely. Have a trained professional check the system thoroughly to ensure there are no fire hazards or carbon monoxide dangers. If you have a gas water heater, be sure to have that checked as well. Have your fireplace chimney checked, and if you use a propane fireplace, have it checked for carbon monoxide safety. Be sure to inspect your smoke detectors, although, for some people, Christmas baking does a pretty good check on those for you.
Bathroom Vents
With your in-laws, cousins and other relatives visiting for extended periods over the holidays, remember that your bathrooms will get an extra workout. Be sure that the bathroom vents are working and ducted to the outside of the home. Another home owner tip is to install a quality ventilator to control the extra humidity generated by guests. The ventilator will also help combat the side effects of ingesting your aunt’s fruitcake.
Guest Orientation
Another home owner tip that many people don’t think of at the holidays is to orient your guests in case of emergency. Younger children especially need instruction on what to do if the smoke alarm goes off (and that they don’t need to use the escape route if the smoke alarm is the result of that holiday baking), or how to use the phone if they need to call in an emergency. Adults should know where the fire extinguishers are (again, this could come in very handy during that holiday baking) and how to turn the bathroom ventilator on and off.
Everyone here at Spencer AC & Heating thanks you for your confidence in us over the past 52 years and we wish you the very best this holiday season.
Season’s Greetings!
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