Lately it seems like energy prices are continually on the rise and finding a way to reduce the energy usage in your home not only helps the environment but also helps your monthly bills! If you are a savvy homeowner then you have probably researched different ways to have an energy-efficient home and take care of your air conditioning unit with regular checks and maintenance. But have you ever considered the benefits of switching out the current lighting in your home? By simply replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with newer, energy-efficient home lighting options, you can reduce the amount of money you spend on lighting by up to 80 percent.
Incandescent bulbs use electricity to heat a thin filament until it starts to glow. In this process, more than 90 percent of the electricity is wasted as heat and less than 10 percent is actually used to produce light. There are several different energy-efficient home lighting options that are steadily gaining popularity in the marketplace because they are similar in price to traditional bulbs and use a fraction of the energy consumption. Let’s take a look at a few of the popular options:
Compact fluorescent lamp (CFLs) – These bulbs are smaller versions of the common fluorescent bulbs found in shop lights and many kitchen light fixtures. They use 25 to 30 percent of the energy that a traditional bulb uses and they can last 10 times longer. Special models are available that are compatible with dimmer switches and dimmable fixtures.
Light-emitting diode (LEDs) – Similar to the indicator lights in electronics, LED bulbs use about 20 percent of the energy that a traditional bulb uses and can last up to 25 times as long. They turn on instantly and produce almost no heat.
Halogen bulbs – These are modified versions of the older incandescent bulbs that surround the filament in a halogen gas, allowing it to burn at a higher temperature and produce more light at the same energy input. They last longer than traditional bulbs and can be used in places where fluorescent or LED bulbs can not, such as in certain appliances.
Conserving energy in your home is the best way to keep your house comfortable while keeping your utility bills low! Your friends at Spencer Heating and Air Conditioning are here to answer all of your questions on how to keep your home energy efficient. Give us a call today at (972) 446-COOL (2665) or find out more at