
Comprehensive A/C Maintenance
Services in Plano, TX

AC Maintenance expert Plano

Did you know that A/C maintenance can improve your air conditioning system’s efficiency? If your air conditioner isn’t running at peak efficiency, you could waste money on higher energy bills every month.

Our experts at Spencer Air Conditioning & Heating can help you maintain your system’s peak performance with a range of comprehensive services.

Tips on How to Improve Your Air Conditioner's Efficiency

Is it getting too hot in your area? Without an efficient air conditioning system, going through a hot day can be unbearable.

So, how do you increase its efficiency? Fortunately, we have prepared this blog for you.

Keep it Clean

You need to clean your air conditioning unit to avoid dust build-up. That’s because if there is plenty of dirt in the fan, it will work harder to cool down the air.

If your A/C is short of airflow, you might as well say goodbye to the money already spent on electricity bills.

Shut Your Windows and Doors

Do you know that your air conditioner works harder if there is a breeze of wind? When there is no wind, it lets out cool air without any problems. That’s why it is essential to shut your windows and doors whenever the weather gets hot, and you turn on your air conditioner.

Turn off Unused Appliances

Leaving other appliances on makes your room hotter. This will make the air conditioner overwork, and it will take a long time to cool down. The best thing you should do is turn off all appliances that don’t need electricity – even those which rely on electricity, such as televisions and radios. Additionally, try not to use your oven or dishwasher.

Check for Leaks

The condenser or compressor of your air conditioner releases a lot of heat. If there are any leaks, the hot air will be released outside and not inside your room. Hence, make sure to tighten all screws to avoid a loss in efficiency from escaping warm air.

Change the Air Filter Regularly

The air filter is like the lungs of your air conditioner. It filters out impurities so that clean and fresh air can fill your room. You must change it regularly to ensure the best performance from your A/C. If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to contact your local technician.

Don't Block the Gaps

A lot of people think that blocking all gaps will keep their home cool during summer. But, leaving the cracks open helps your AC cool down your room. If you need to set something on top of it, use a soft cloth or thin metal sheets instead of heavy objects that will block all gaps that are supposed to be open.

Get A/C Maintenance Service

If you want to improve your system’s efficiency levels, your best option is to schedule an A/C maintenance service with experts. They will ensure that your system is working correctly and at its peak efficiency. With an expert’s services, you have nothing to worry about.

Schedule A/C Maintenance Services in Plano, TX With Us!

At Spencer Air Conditioning & Heating, we are dedicated to providing you with the best A/C maintenance services in Plano, TX. Our friendly technicians can inspect it for signs of wear and tear to ensure that your system is always working at its peak performance.

Through comprehensive A/C service, we make sure that your unit is running efficiently so that it won’t cost you money on higher bills.

Call us today at 972-446-2665 to get started.

