
Importance of HVAC Repairs

HVAC repairs are costly, which is why preventative maintenance is the best way to keep your home comfortable year-round. Having your units serviced in the spring and fall can help ensure they are working properly, resolve minor issues that could become major issues, and even save money on your utility bills.
Certified HVAC technician - Irving, TX

HVAC repair is expensive, which is why Spencer Air recommends regular preventative maintenance.

HVAC Repair Industry Standards Most manufacturers recommend that heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems be checked at least twice a year. Have the air conditioning units checked in the spring before the temperature reaches sweltering levels, and have your heating system checked in the fall before the cold weather hits. Let’s face it, no one wants to get up in the morning and have to chip ice off the faucets because the heating system crashed overnight, or come home from work on one of those 110 degree days to find that the temperature outside is cooler than inside the house. Calling for HVAC repairs on days like that will not only be costly, but you may have difficulty finding an available repairman since so many people don’t call until they have a problem. Heating, Cooling and Your Wallet There is no question that heating and cooling units—including furnaces, water heaters and air conditioners—can become energy-sucking beasts with insatiable appetites that add a large chunk of change to your utility bills. In fact, statistics show that in the United States, one-third of the total electricity usage is for heating and cooling homes or buildings. HVAC repair through preventative maintenance keeps your units running efficiently, thereby saving you on your electric bill. In fact, your HVAC repair company can even help you determine how energy-efficient your home is, and give you tips on how to make your home more environmentally friendly. Switching to more energy-efficient equipment can save as much as 50 percent on energy costs—as long as the heating and cooling systems are manufactured, installed and maintained with recommended energy-saving measures. In addition, keeping your HVAC system running smoothly improves the home air quality in your residence. Avoid the Expense The sad truth is that most HVAC repairs could have been avoided had the homeowner not neglected regular preventative maintenance steps that are painless and simple. Many homeowners just take that poor old furnace for granted until utility bills are delivered in boxes rather than envelopes, or that air conditioning unit cools the house with a wheeze rather than a blast of cool air. Scheduled inspections, cleaning, and maintenance help keep your units working properly, give you peace of mind and could help reduce your energy costs. Although inspections and maintenance will not keep you from ever having HVAC repairs, they may actually save money by revealing a problem that could have gotten much worse over time, or preventing problems from developing at all. It is your home – you should live comfortably in it. If you would like more information on how to reduce the likelihood you’ll encounter expensive HVAC repairs, or would like to schedule a Home Comfort Energy Test to improve your home air quality, visit today. We’ll send a comfort advisor out to survey your existing system and give you a quote on a new energy efficient one. You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.