
5 Benefits of Regular A/C Maintenance

spencer 5 Benefits of Regular A/C Maintenance

Are you hesitant about getting a professional A/C maintenance because it’s just an additional expense? Think again! During the summer, A/C breakdown and expensive repairs are your biggest nightmares. This is where a professional A/C maintenance program steps in.

Check out these five benefits of signing up for a preventive A/C maintenance service.

Prevents Rust

Cleaning and lubricating the moving parts of your A/C not only helps your system run efficiently, but it also prevents rust. We recommend that you schedule regular air filter replacements and that you ask your trusted local technician to conduct air conditioning inspection and tune-ups before the summer and winter seasons.

Improves Safety in Your Home

Any machine that uses electricity, chemical refrigerants, and fast-moving metal parts are prone to breakdowns, especially when a small problem is left unattended. To prevent this, we highly recommend getting a regular service for your cooling system. Doing so will help you avoid potential safety threats in your home.

Prevents Future Breakdown

Have your local technician to inspect your system to determine parts that are starting to wear out, and are loose. Your contractor may also need to recharge the refrigerant and replace the filter if necessary. These professional A/C maintenance services can help prevent system breakdown in the most unexpected time.

Reduces Energy Bill

Your A/C will work more efficiently if they are all tightened up, charged, and the air filters are clear of debris. It will also use less energy than usual to do the same amount of workload. Not only it is suitable for the machine itself, but it is also good for your wallet.

Provides Longer Service Life

By scheduling an air conditioning tune-up and regular cleaning in the spring and after, you will find you and your family relishing your air conditioner in an optimal state all summer.

Are you looking for a comprehensive maintenance program for your A/C? At Spencer Air Conditioning and Heating, our highly experienced team will gladly serve your cooling needs. Contact us today to schedule a service!